How To Build Clarity with Communication

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Clarity and Communication

Increase Your Clarity


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The Relationship Between Clarity and Communication

Clarity is the extent to which people understand the role your brand plays in their lives. Unless people know what purpose you serve, they will have no true reason to use your brand. Communications allows you to illuminate people as to how your brand is perfect for their lives.  

In order to show people how your brand sits snugly in their lives, consider the following actions: 

  1. What’s your purpose? Make sure people know what your brand is doing in the world. To do this, you need to have a clearly articulated purpose that is communicated in a clear way. Though this should be done directly, it should also indirectly guide all ways that your brand talks. A strong purpose unifies all of a brand’s activities, from social to PR to design and beyond. Nike is a brilliant example here, as its purpose has informed and grounded all of its creative campaigns for years.

  2. Do you understand the lives of your consumers? In order to fit into their lives, you need to understand what people are looking for from a brand and where the space is for you to fill. Look at the platform to understand what they find important in the category that other brands may not be doing so well in yet. Explore whether there are ways for your brand to meet these needs, or leap-frog ahead by heroing a more competitive, but undifferentiated Driver.

  3. How and when should they use it? In a much more concrete way, people need to understand the circumstances your brand is perfect for. What should they use it for, and why is that different to the competition? Being able to give people a strong understanding of this will ensure that they will feel you are more directional and purpose-led than the competition.


What should you do next?

  • Make sure your purpose is clear, and that it informs all communications from your brand.  
  • Look for ‘spaces’ in the Drivers on the platform, to identify unmet needs that your brand can own.  
  • Make sure it’s clear to consumers the role you can play in their daily lives – what can you give them that other brands can’t?

How to determine if it’s working.

  • You should see a rise in your Clarity Driver score when you make sure that your brand’s purpose is at the heart of all your communications. You’re also likely to see a rise in Relevance as people come to understand what you have to offer, as a result.   

    Guidance from:
    Searsha Sadek | Head of Brand Partners, ProQuo AI

    Searsha Sadek Transparent Avatar-1
    Searsha has always grown brands in advertising agencies: from haircare and frozen food to spirits and streaming services. She focussed on how communicating explicitly and implicitly is key. 


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