How To Build Popularity with Customer Experience

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Popularity with Customer Experience

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The Relationship Between Popularity and Customer Experience

Popular brands are those that lots of people seem to like and that have cultural momentumYou can build your brand’s Popularity through Customer Experience by using your customer journey to identifyamplify and sustain the voices of your biggest brand advocates 

When trying to build Popularity through your Customer Experience, consider the following:  

  1. Who are the people that will shout about your brand? If you want to create a tribe of passionate advocates, you need to determine which combination of traits and actions will generate real enthusiasm for your brand. Be careful not to confuse your brand advocates and loyalists; just because someone has been with you for a long time, doesn’t necessarily mean they are going to actively endorse you.  So, really consider the customer profiles, behaviors, and outcomes that will make people most vocal about your product or service. 

  2. How do you motivate your biggest advocates to shout about your brand? Once you understand who your advocates are, you can then determine what will motivate them to generate buzz about your brand. It could be as simple as having strategically positioned social buttons so users can share their interactions with you. Or, you could consider more formalized rewards, such as access to exclusive content, events, discounts, and product offerings. Sometimes, even sharing their content encourages them to share yours. Timing is crucial here, you need to think carefully about when in the customer journey these incentives should be offered to generate maximum impact. 

  3. Where can you show proof of your existing customers’ love? Make your customer testimonials, case studies, and success stories work harder by peppering them throughout your customer journey. They’ll serve as a great reminder that others love your brand! 

  4. How can you bring advocates and prospects together in one space? Your online profile is a great place to show both prospects and existing customers about the Popularity of your brand. Don’t think of your social channels simply as a way to recruit new customers, they should be thriving communities where the voices of your brand advocates are clearly visible.  


What should you do next?

  • Identify your brand advocates: Look at the traits of your most ardent and vocal brand supporters to understand where to find the group that’s going to grow your brand’s Popularity 

  • Determine your advocacy incentives: Identify the key motivations for your brand advocates, the associated incentives they’ll value and where in the customer journey those incentives should be deployed. 

  • Invest in your social strategy: Devote time and resources to building out a social strategy that brings customers into your social networks throughout the customer journey. Having new leads and existing customers in one place will bolster the impression that lots of people love your brand. 

How to determine if it’s working.

  • You’ll see your Popularity scores rise in ProQuo. As your brand starts to generate a buzz, people will notice! 

  • You’ll see customers share the love: Your social following will grow and you’ll see greater engagement with your posts in terms of shares, likes, and reposts.  

    Guidance from:
    Annie Henderson | Head of Customer Success, ProQuo AI

    Annie Henderson Avatar Transparent (1)
    Annie is customer-obsessed. She's always worked with how people think about companies, and now she turns that expertise to making sure customers get the best from brands.


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